I have a resume saved in Microsoft Word. It is a one page resume but shows two pages with the second page blank. I put the cursor on the second blank page and pressed delete and nothing happens. How should I remove this blank page? Any replies I would be thankful.
Microsoft Word, Deleting last page Blank problems?virus removal
put your cursor at the very end of the first page and hit delete until the 2nd page goes away.
good luck
Microsoft Word, Deleting last page Blank problems?anti virus protection
I haven't figured that yet.
Just print the page you want by highlighting.
You could copy your page and paste to another file.
Using the following method works best with short documents, such as letters and memos, that only have a small amount of text on the last page.
On the File menu, click Print Preview.
Click Shrink to Fit .
Note In order to shrink the document, Microsoft Word decreases the font size of each font used in the document. You can undo a Shrink to Fit operation by clicking Undo Shrink to Fit on the Edit menu. However, after you save the document and close it, there is no quick way to restore the original font size.
Hit the paragraph symbol to see what's causing it to go to the second page. If it's an empty space, just place the cursor there and either do backspace or delete. Alternatively, you can mess with the margins. For instance, write it in MLA style, that is 1'' all around, if you haven't. Good luck~
Try this
At the start of the blank page click and HOLD the left mouse button,and drag the mouse to be bottom right of the last page. Release the mouse and hit the delete key. It should delete everything from on the blank pages and they should disappear. They re-save the document.
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