Friday, August 20, 2010

What kind of file should I be downloading from a file to file sharing program to have Microsoft Offi

Must I download a zip file or a file ''dmg''? I don't know the difference between the two.

What kind of file should I be downloading from a file to file sharing program to have Microsoft Office X?virus scanner

There are a lot of different CD image formats like dmg, iso, bin, daa, and whatever else have you. They are kinda like zip files, I guess. They are one file that contains a bunch of other ones, however image files are meant to be burnt straight onto the CD The difference is that they were all made by different companies for their own software, and while some of them are pretty popular, some are not. Once you have your file, you'll have to dig around online for the program that's supposed to open that file. A couple of good examples would be PowerISO ( or MagicISO ( I use both, because between the two of them, then can handle just about any format out there.

When you're looking for your program, you want to pay attention to things like filesize. If you're downloading a file and it's only 40 meg or so, it's obviously not the whole Mifrosoft Office program. I would expect it to be anywhere from 150 meg up to 600 or so.

What kind of file should I be downloading from a file to file sharing program to have Microsoft Office X?anti virus software

Use Stuffit and your looking for .dmg files ( Disk ImaGe)

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