Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Microsoft Outlook - No sound when a window pops up?

In Microsoft Outlook is a great utility to remind you about appointments. And you can set it to remind you about your appointments a specified time before the appointment fall due. A window showing details of your appointment will pop up with a sound.

But lately in my PC there is no sound when the window pops up. When I click on the speaker icon, it says reminder.wav is not found. But when I search the hard drive, I can see that reminder.wav is present. Maybe I have to set the path to the sound right. What is the path? How can I fix this problem? Many thanks for your help

Microsoft Outlook - No sound when a window pops up?computer protection

To resolve this please set the path of reminder.wav...

You will found the reminder sound in Calander setting... on calander in MS-outlook

2.Right click on any date and set new reminder

there you will found remonder sound setting option and reset path to below given path

If you have installed MS-Office then this file is at location

%26lt;drive letter%26gt;:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\reminder.wav

you have to set path to above given path and it will work

best of luck

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